Who we are

We are the developers of Plastic SCM, a full version control stack (not a Git variant). We work on the strongest branching and merging you can find, and a core that doesn't cringe with huge binaries and repos. We also develop the GUIs, mergetools and everything needed to give you the full version control stack.

If you want to give it a try, download it from here.

We also code SemanticMerge, and the gmaster Git client.

RedMine Integration

Monday, October 21, 2013 calbzam 0 Comments

We are announcing Plastic SCM integration with Redmine project manager. As you probably know, Redmine is a flexible project management open source web application.

We have to thank Wonho Seo for developing this plugin. He is a Plastic SCM user who has decided to create a custom integration for RedMine. He has published the plugin using GPL license and you can download it at:


You need to download two files:

- redmine_plastic-1.2.2.zip: contains the plugin you need to install on your Redmine server.

- RedmineExtensionVS2008.zip: contains the source code for the Plastic GUI integration.

Plugin installation:

I assume you have Redmine installed in your machine. If you are not familiar with this web application, you can check the Redmine wiki page:


1. Unzip the “redmine_plastic” into Redmine “plugins” folder:


2. Migrate database and copy assets by following command:

bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_issue_checklist 

3. You need to restart Redmine, so that it shows the newly installed plugin in the list of installed plugins ("Administration -> Plugins").

Now if you go to: Settings -> Repositories, you will be able to add a new Plastic SCM repository.

Add Redmine integration to Plastic SCM GUI:

Unzipping "RedmineExtensionVS2008.zip", you will get Redmine´s extension source code. You need to open the solution and follow the next steps:

1. Replace the next RedmineExtensionVS2008 references by those found in your Plastic client folder.

- Codice.I3.dll

- commontypes.dll

- utils.dll

- extensioncommon.dll

2. Now, you will be able to build the solution, and finally you just need to copy the generated dlls (RedmineApi.dll, RedmineExtension.dll ) in your Plastic client folder.

3. The last step is to create a "customextensions.conf" file in your Plastic client folder with the following:


4. Now, you will find a new "Redmine" field in Plastic SCM issue tracker menu.(Preferences -> Issue tracking -> Redmine)

Redmine integration sample:

Once you have installed the plugin, and you have configured Redmine integration on the issue tracking preferences, you can start working with it.

If you create a new branch in Plastic using the predefined branch prefix, you will find the information related to this issue under the “Redmine Extension” tab.

You can also check the different Plastic changesets and revisions information in your Redmine project (“Repository” tab). View differences feature is not available yet.

With a few steps we have configured Redmine integration. We are very pleased that people is collaborating in creating Plastic SCM custom extensions.

You are welcome if you want to improve this plugin or develop a new one!!

Carlos Alba
I joined the Plastic product experts team back in 2013.
As a Plastic SCM product expert, I try to help teams moving from other version controls on a daily basis, decide strategies, train developers, answer questions, run benchmarks ...
I love soccer and rock music. You can reach me at @albazamanillo.

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