Who we are

We are the developers of Plastic SCM, a full version control stack (not a Git variant). We work on the strongest branching and merging you can find, and a core that doesn't cringe with huge binaries and repos. We also develop the GUIs, mergetools and everything needed to give you the full version control stack.

If you want to give it a try, download it from here.

We also code SemanticMerge, and the gmaster Git client.

Plastic SCM External Release is out!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013 Luix 0 Comments

Plastic SCM (Reykjavik) is now public!!

It's been a long time since we didn't published anything in our main Fix download section, but you know, we've been working on this and that... and more surprises that you'll see very soon in Plastic SCM GUI!!

You can read the full list of changes here. Download Plastic SCM in the downloads page to install or upgrade your Plastic SCM setup.

Please, continue suggesting and voting new features on the User's Voice or the forum.

Some important performance improvement regarding the checkin operation and other bugfixes available now:


Checkin operation: The time processing the paths during the checkin operation has been noticeably improved. In a workspace with 200K items it passes from 93s to 8s, so the improvement is about 91%.

Checkin operation in GUI (reported by customer): Improve the time of adding a large number of items.
        Workspace information:
        319.856 files
        20.859 directoriees
        3.03 GB

        Time NOW: 18 min
        Time BEFORE: 3h15min


Branch Explorer (reported by customer): Fixed a crash when a custom query rule was defined and used attributes that were not defined in the repository.

Diff Tool: Fixed a Null Reference Exception calculating differences inside a line that is very long.

SQL Server Backend (reported by customer): Plastic SCM was not working properly when this backend was configured with a Turkish collation (it might be fail also with some other collations different than Latin1). This is now fixed.

Checkin operation: Fixed a bug on the command line that displayed a -1 in the total field.

More surprises will be available soon in the Labs section, so stay tunned!

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