Who we are

We are the developers of Plastic SCM, a full version control stack (not a Git variant). We work on the strongest branching and merging you can find, and a core that doesn't cringe with huge binaries and repos. We also develop the GUIs, mergetools and everything needed to give you the full version control stack.

If you want to give it a try, download it from here.

We also code SemanticMerge, and the gmaster Git client.

Plastic SCM External Release is out!!

Monday, June 03, 2013 Luix 0 Comments

Plastic SCM (Bologna) is available now!

You can check the full list of changes here and visit the Plastic SCM download page to install or upgrade your Plastic SCM setup.

You can suggest and vote new features on the Plastic SCM Forum page and tell us your opinion about Plastic SCM or use the User's Voice channel, as well.

Lots of issues suggested in our User's Voice system available now!!

Views columns

  • Added a "GUID" column to the Sync Replication view in order to show the branches and changesets GUID.
  • Added a "Repositories" column to the Workspaces view.

Issues found in Linux

We've fixed several issues related to the GUI in Linux, asked by some of our customers.

When running the client GUI in mono, some texts were being cut or hidden. The following screenshot shows in a Image diff view of Plastic SCM how the texts were cut before and how are properly shown now; if the text doesn't fit it is trimmed using "...", instead of trying to use multi-lines:

The text displayed in the information overlay panel for merge links in Branch Explorer was being cut. Now this is fixed.
The Branch Explorer arrows were being painted with solid, non-transparent colors in Mono 3. This is now fixed.

You know that you can use the Mono distributed by our Linux installer or compile / install your own Mono distribution and connect it to Plastic SCM. Currently we support Mono 3 and previous versions.

Improvements in the Pending changes view 

Diffs in the Pending Changes View (requested in the forum):  The "Diff" context menu options have been improved. Now, two options are available from the context menu:
  • Diff workspace contents: This option shows the differences between the current workspace contents with the previously loaded contents on the workspace with the configured diff tool. (The differences shown are the same as the embedded diffs viewer from the pending changes viewer). 
  • Diff revisions: This option shows differences between revisions stored in the repository, or differences between workspace contents and a specific revision in the repository.
More about diffs: When showing differences in the Pending changes view of a Private or Added item, the file information shown in the header of the diff tool embedded in the view was wrong ("cs:0") because Plastic SCM couldn't find repository information for that item. Now the information shown is the path of the item, which is the only information available for those items.

Undo changes (requested in the user voice): This view now includes a new context menu option to undo the selected changes. The behavior is the same as the "Undo changes" button, but considering only the selected items (and not the checked items).

Improvements in other views

Merge view: after changing the contributor of a merge item the view was reloaded showing all the items involved in the merge, although the user could have a filter applied. Now the filter is applied after reloading the view, so everything is updated and shown as intended.

Branch Explorer (customer request): now the properties tab shows the full branch name (/main/preproduction/release/task001) instead of just the branch name (task001). You can select the text and copy it to the clipboard, as usual.

Bamboo plugin

Lots of customers asked us to support the new API of the latest version of Bamboo, as well as adding remote agents support, so here you are! Both features at the same time:

The plugin has been adapted to the new API 4.2; now you can use the Bamboo plugin with the latest version of this Coninuous Integration tool.

In addition to that, we have added support for remote agents. Now you can distribute the workload of a Bamboo server among different agents remotely distributed. In order to configure this you'll need to have the following ready:

  • You need to configure remote agents
  • Enable remote agents and let the service detect on-line agents.
  • If you're using administration security, allow the remote agents you want to use.
  • You need to have a Plastic SCM client installed in that agent machine and configured against the Plastic SCM server that the Bamboo server local agent is using; tipically your production or
    a pre-production server.
Now (click in the pics to enlarge):

Click on the remote agent you want to configure.

Edit its shared capabilities:

Select "Plastic SCM" from the list shown:

Set the path to cm.exe in the remote machine:


Now you can using remote agents in Bamboo using Plastic SCM.

Do you want more?

Server configuration: If the DDBB suffix/prefix is set, the DDBB file name will have the suffix/prefix duplicated.

Readonly workflow: This one comes from the user voice: Added a new configuration file: "readonly.conf", that follows the same pattern oriented syntax as "ignore.conf" or "writable.conf". When the option in the client GUI "Update and Checkin operations set files as read-only" is disabled, the files specified in "readonly.conf" will be set as readonly. Take into account that if a file is matched by any pattern in both "readonly.conf" and in "writable.conf", the "writable.conf" is preferred, and it will remain writable.

Diff and Merge in Office 2013: When comparing Word documents, if the source document is in the workspace, it must be writable. In order to solve this issue:
  • Uncheck the "Update and Checkin operations set files as read-only" option on PlasticSCM GUI (Preferences ->Other Options ->Miscellaneous)
  • Add your Word files to a writable.conf file that works the same way as a ignored.conf or a cloaked.conf and contains a list of files, directory structures or regular expressions to check for each line. In our case, for Word documents the schema would be:

Ok, that's all!


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