Who we are

We are the developers of Plastic SCM, a full version control stack (not a Git variant). We work on the strongest branching and merging you can find, and a core that doesn't cringe with huge binaries and repos. We also develop the GUIs, mergetools and everything needed to give you the full version control stack.

If you want to give it a try, download it from here.

We also code SemanticMerge, and the gmaster Git client.

Pulling remote changes with DBrEx

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Pablo Santos , 0 Comments

The work on the upcoming 4.0 release continues, and as usual we try to keep you updated and also share how it is looking so far, so feel free to continue sending feedback, comments and so on. Remember you can see most of the 4.0 screenshots here, and some videos here (www.youtube.com/codicesoftware).
Since we’re already using 4.0 internally (remember, “eating our own dog’s food”), I wanted to share some of the new things that can be easily achieved with the new “branch explorer”, the “distributed branch explorer” or “DBrEx” as we name it internally.
I’m currently working on a task that is on my local repository on my laptop, and I’m about to start a new one and hence create a new branch for it (remember, the branch per task pattern). But, I’d like to start the task from the latest code on a certain branch, so I’d like to know if I have to “pull” some changes from the “master server” at the office.
My situation right now is the following: I have all the changes in branch /main/DAG up to the changeset after BL199, but I’d like to know if there are newer csets on the remote server. Also, please note that the colors of the changesets are different: the “green ones” are csets created on my server, the blue ones changesets that have been “replicated”, hence create remotely (this is already a new feature on 4.0)

In order to see “what’s new” on /main/DAG I’ll activate the “show remote changesets” option and grab data “for this branch only” from the main server. Plastic is “clever enough” to propose known repositories (repositories you’ve imported data from, in my case, only the main server so far). Activating it looks like the following:

Once the “remote data” is retrieved, the “DBrEx” will render not only “data from the local server” but also data grabbed from the remote one. Look at the following screenshot to see how “remote changesets” are rendered: we use “dashed lines” to highlight remote csets (csets that are not on your repo).

So, just a glance at the DBrEx and I know there are changes I’ve to “pull” from the remote server. In fact, I can do more than that, since I can right click on a remote changeset and “diff the changes”, which I think is a really neat feature (note to observers: yes, the options “merge from this changeset” and “create branch” shouldn’t be enabled on remote csets… that’s why this version is still internal, isn’t it???)
One really interesting note: compare the two previous screenshots: do you see branch br:/main/DAG/SCM9472?? Ok, when I didn’t have “remote data” I wasn’t able to find that the branch was already “integrated” remotely into the parent branch /main/DAG, but rendering the remote data for /main/DAG doesn’t only show me the new changes but also tells me that the branch /main/DAG/SCM9472 has already been integrated into /main/DAG… remotely. Cool, isn’t it?

Next thing is pulling the new changesets, and I’ll do the same I used to do in 3.0: just right click on the branch, go to replication and “pull this branch”. Easy.

And then my DBrEx will get updated once the remote changesets have been “pulled” from the remote server, as you can see below. Now the changesets are “local” (although coming from a remote source (that’s why they are blue)) and they’re not rendered with “dashes” anymore…

So, as you can see, 4.0 is all about DVCS, and the DBrEx is the next step to render distributed version control information graphically… or, at least, that’s our goal! :)
Pablo Santos
I'm the CTO and Founder at Códice.
I've been leading Plastic SCM since 2005. My passion is helping teams work better through version control.
I had the opportunity to see teams from many different industries at work while I helped them improving their version control practices.
I really enjoy teaching (I've been a University professor for 6+ years) and sharing my experience in talks and articles.
And I love simple code. You can reach me at @psluaces.

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Who we are

We are the developers of Plastic SCM, a full version control stack (not a Git variant). We work on the strongest branching and merging you can find, and a core that doesn't cringe with huge binaries and repos. We also develop the GUIs, mergetools and everything needed to give you the full version control stack.

If you want to give it a try, download it from here.

We also code SemanticMerge, and the gmaster Git client.

Setting up Plastic SCM with an external diff tool

Monday, May 16, 2011 Miller Auker 0 Comments

In this blogpost we will go through very few steps to setup an external diff tool to work with Plastic SCM. The tool we will use here is Beyond Compare from Scooter Software.


Although Plastic SCM comes with a powerful diff tool, but there can be times were you want to use your preferred tool to diff some binary files of any type of your choice with your diff tool, an example here could be Microsoft excel files, which are not supported by our diff tool but Beyond Compare which is a dedicated file compare tool can handle.

The procedure described here to setup Plastic SCM with an external diff tool can be applied virtually to any other tool.

Lets start setting things up

Find your favorite compare/diff tool and install it; in my case I installed Beyond Compare to diff 2 excel files within Plastic Gui.

Beyond Compare executable is called BCompare.exe and can be executed from the command line with c:\BCompare.exe file1excel.xlsx file2excel.xlsx, so basically when you setup Plastic SCM with Beyond Compare and diffing from Plastic SCM on a revision of a versioned excel file, Plastic will call the BCompare.exe and feed it with the two filenames (or revisions) needed to perform the diff.

To setup Plastic SCM with Beyond Compare diff tool:

  1. In PlasticSCM client go to-->Preferences-->Diff tools--ADD

  1. In the Define Diff tool configuration window choose:

    1. External Diff tool

    2. Insert the full path to BCompare.exe with the needed arguments: "C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare\BCompare.exe" @sourcefile @destinationfile

    3. Choose "Use this tool for files with extension:" .xlsx

  1. Push "Apply & OK" to close the window.

  2. Place the Beyond Compare for *.xlsx files to be the first in the list.

  1. In PlasticSCM client items view, mark your excel sheet, do a "diff with
    previous" or "diff" with any other revision.

  2. Beyond Compare will fire on the two excel revisions that you diffed within

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Who we are

We are the developers of Plastic SCM, a full version control stack (not a Git variant). We work on the strongest branching and merging you can find, and a core that doesn't cringe with huge binaries and repos. We also develop the GUIs, mergetools and everything needed to give you the full version control stack.

If you want to give it a try, download it from here.

We also code SemanticMerge, and the gmaster Git client.

Plastic SCM release 3.0.23

Friday, May 06, 2011 Miller Auker 0 Comments

In the latest releases of Plastic SCM versions 3.0.20 to 3.0.23 we introduced a bunch of new features and bug fixes. Beside the full release notes here, this blogpost will highlight some of them.
Just in case you haven't downloaded this version yet you can do that here

Let's start with new features:

ReviewBoard 1.6 support:

Plastic SCM now integrates with the latest ReviewBoard 1.6. ReviewBoard is a web-based Code Review tool from www.reviewboard.org and the current latest version of ReviewBoard is 1.6b1 and Plastic SCM is currently supported in this version and in the final release 1.6x

Review Board announcement: http://www.reviewboard.org/news/2011/02/24/review-board-16-beta-1-released/

And Release Notes: http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.6-beta-1/

Bugzilla versions 3.6 and 4.0 support with Plastic SCM.

From Plastic SCM version 3.0.20 we support Bugzilla Bug tracking system from www.bugzilla.org

Eclipse: Added Annotate in the Eclipse Plugin

In Release 3.0.23 we added the support for Annotate in the Eclipse Plugin

Eclipse plugin: "Import from Plastic SCM" wizard redesigned

The "Import from Plastic SCM" wizard dialog has been redesigned, to allow expanding the repositories to show the existing branches on each repository, so that users can select directly the desired branch to import.

Eclipse plugin: New menu option

diff with LAST revision on branch when right clicking on an item. This operation is available also in the Sync view.

Eclipse plugin: When creating a new workspace (from the Share Project dialog) it is also possible to create a repository.

Bugs fixed - most important:

Plastic SCM server:

If the newest created repository was deleted and a new repository was created after restarting the server, the ID for the new repository was the ID of the last deleted repository and the operation failed. Now a new ID is generated and assigned to the new repository.

Visual Studio integration:

Fixed a bug related to open Plastic SCM views after adding a new solution to version control.

Eclipse plugin:

When the Eclipse workbench and the Plastic SCM were not in the same location and the project was multiproject, an update operation failed because Plastic SCM took the workbench root path as the workspace root path.

IntelliJ plugin:

The comments specified on the checkin operation were not reflected on Plastic SCM.

Team City plugin:

There was a problem when several Windows drives were configured to be used.

Improvements, visible and behind the scene!

Performance improvement on copy merge operation:

Although in the release notes this is mentioned as a bug, but in fact it is an improvement, In release we improved the performance of copy merge operation when dealing with hundreds of files and directories.

The update report window improvements

The update report dialog may show very long messages and require scrolling to view them. Now, the full message is shown, and can be copied by right clicking on it and selecting "Copy error text".

Eclipse plugin:

Now branches and labels are loaded asynchronously; this way the Plastic SCM view is not blocked while the data is being loaded.

File types Recognition:

Text files are automatically detected and set as "text" type files by reading the first bytes of the file.

Last but not least view the full release notes for the complete list of improvements and bug fixes in the last 3 releases here, and we hope you enjoy the improvements!

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